Telephone Traffic Termination
Our services
Telephone Traffic Collection and Routing of Geographic Numbers
The telephone Traffic Termination service offered by UNO Communications is an essential solution for telecommunications operators, resellers, and VoIP sellers who wish to optimize the management of their customers' calls while ensuring high quality and reliability. Configuring an interconnection point with UNO Communications allows traffic to be delivered directly to UNO, leveraging its extensive network of interconnections with other providers.
With direct connections to all 16 AGWIP of TIM Spa, a setup that includes 32 fully redundant interconnection points, UNO Communications guarantees uncompromised call quality, minimizing the risk of service interruptions. Additionally, UNO Communications' collaboration includes direct interconnections with all major Italian mobile operators, ensuring extensive coverage and optimal service continuity for effective, uninterrupted phone traffic.
Contact us for more information.
Telegram Service
UNO Communications' Phone Traffic Termination service can be enriched with our Telegram Service, a feature that allows the sending of telegrams directly through the platform.
This service, resulting from a direct interconnection with Poste Italiane's 186 service, can be activated on any number and managed independently from the customer area. This feature not only expands the portfolio of services available to end customers but also facilitates the integration of traditional services with this additional service.
White Label Solution
Our White Label proposal is particularly advantageous for resellers and VoIP operators, as it allows them to offer phone traffic termination and telegram services under their own brand, maintaining complete transparency with the end customer while ensuring high-quality service.
UNO Communications is always at the forefront of innovation and meeting the needs of a constantly evolving market, laying the foundations for successful collaboration with VoIP resellers, WISPs, and ISPs of all sizes.
Discover how UNO Communications can revolutionize your telecommunications solutions: contact us today!